
Did WordPress.org Just Release the “Forked” PRO Version of ACF for Free?

Something truly unexpected happened in the WordPress community just before the weekend - a "product release," sort of. You've probably already guessed what I'm...

WordPress 6.7 “Rollins” Released, Including a New Default Theme

On November 12, WordPress 6.7 was released for WordPress users everywhere to enjoy. Keeping with the jazz theme, WordPress 6.7 goes by the name...

WordPress Brand Tone and Voice Survey Results Are In: “It’s Not a Unified Brand”

Over the past month, we ran a survey here on WPShout to explore how users perceive the voice and tone of the WordPress brand....

How to Add a Background Image Cover in WordPress – in 1 Minute

While overall opinions on the Gutenberg editor vary, even the naysayers can't deny that there are so many elements you can add now with...

How to Find and Remove Large Files on cPanel Hosting

One of the most popular control panels that many hosting companies rely on is cPanel. If you have cPanel hosting and you're starting to...

