Mobile Reporting

APP Review: ‘Voice Record Pro’

Simple and smart. Exactly what a journalist on-the-go needs. In an era where digital tools dominate the world of journalism, the importance of efficient and...

5 Essential Tools for Mobile Journalism in 2023

As ever, mobile journalism (MoJo) has become an increasingly important part of the industry. With the advancement of technology, journalists now have access to...

Podcasting on the go? Surely not!

Podcasts are quite the thing these days...For a while, they came, and then they went, but in the last few years - since the...

Five basic apps for a beginner mobile reporter

As long-time mobile journalists, we at JournalismWeb understand how vital it is for journalists to have powerful tools at their fingertips. In today's fast-paced...

What is mobile journalism?

Mobile journalism, also known as "mojo," is a form of digital journalism that utilizes mobile devices, to gather, produce, and distribute news content. This...

