MTN Pulse has introduced offers to usher in 2025.
At the heart of this first launch of the New Year are the MTN Pulse Back-to-School bundles, designed for teens and under-25s.
A bonus feature, Refer-a-friend, rewards Pulse customers who successfully refer their friends with a social pass bundle.
Users who join are also rewarded with the same bundle.
The bonus is a free 1GB social pass bundle, valid for 24 hours, for existing and new customers.
Leading the drive to move differently in 2025, young users looking for an educational boost can get 50GB of data for R209 a month and start exploring MTN Play educational content.
This bundle offers a combination of affordability, connectivity, and flexibility to operate in a digital community, said Seun Soladoye, General Manager for Consumer Prepaid at MTN South Africa.
“MTN’s ‘Drive for 25’ initiative is focused first on delivering the best value for young South Africans and helping them navigate reach for greatness while staying connected. This offer also supports parents of school-age children by giving them access to the tools needed for academic success, all without stretching their budget,” explained Soladoye.
The MTN Pulse 50GB bundle makes it easy to access the Internet for research, assignments, online classes, and content. Meanwhile, MTN Play ensures that entertainment is always within reach when it is time to relax.
For R5, TikTok fans can get 1GB for 24 hours.
“At MTN Pulse, we understand that data drives our everyday lives,” said Soladoye.
“We’re proud to offer solutions that blend affordability, connectivity, and entertainment, making it easier for people to achieve their goals and dreams and enjoy online entertainment.”
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